Monday, August 3, 2015

Thoughtful Presentation of the 33 items from July 2015 Post

Thank you for your very thoughtful research and insight into Biblical prophecy and current events. Please help me understand some suggestions that you presented. Can you help me understand why you believe that the 70th week of Daniel (9:24-27) started in 2014? So, clearly there is a gap (Daniel 26) between the 69th and 70th week which constitutes the Church Age. Then as Daniel 27 states, the anti-Christ will make a peace treaty with Israel, thus signifying the start of the final 70th week. Please be specific as did the Prophet Daniel. Who was the anti-Christ in 2014 and what specific peace treaty did he sign with Israel?

We know that these verses in Daniel are 100% accurate to the exact date because on the Jewish Calendar there were EXACTLY 69 weeks (69 x 360 days) from the time that Artaxerxes Edict was made to the very day that the Messiah Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and proclaimed Himself publically. If there is any question as to the accuracy and veracity of these numbers then please see the book THE COMING PRINCE that was published in the late 1800's by Sir Robert Anderson. Although it was out of print for awhile, it is available now. You can even get the original book in PDF format for free on the internet.

Also you made the statement that the great apostasy must occur before the rapture. This would seem to contradict what Christ stated clearly, which I believe, referring to the Rapture: no man will know the time and place and that it will come like a thief in the night. Thus the tenant of the doctrine of imminence would be violated with this view. Please share your thoughts.

I appreciate your thoughtful presentation and I believe that we all must be very humble and respectful of different interpretations as there are many brilliant Theologians and scriptural experts who share different views on the literal interpretation of Christ's Millennial Kingdom, and the timing of the Rapture, pre-tribulation, tribulation, or post-tribulation. But most importantly, these various interpretations are certainly not crucial to our salvation through Jesus Christ as THE Son of God.

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